Saturday 28 February 2009

The Day I Felt Proactive

There is a woman in the Clifton Sainsburys who is like a checkout machine. She sits, her rather large frame taking up almost all of the available space, sweat dripping down her pink forehead as she scans those items like nobody has ever scanned before. She barely speaks, perhaps believing that her insane speed makes up for the lack of other aspects of customer service, such as telling you how much it costs in an audible voice, or waiting until the previous customer has left before packing up your stuff. Unnerving though it is, her dedication to the cause is an inspiration, one which I have been attempting to imitate.

I have indeed been feeling strangely proactive lately, hence the blog title, which could be due (worryingly) to the amount of work I've had - the fact that I've been forced to streamline my life so that I can fit all the shiz-loads of reading and essaying into it has made it feel like "hey, if I can do all this stuff, I could probably do other productive things too!" I was discussing this with Jack whilst walking back from philosophy on Friday and he set me the task of organising his life over the weekend while he went home; his life luckily coincides with my life, and so I have been planning various things for us to do. These are:
  • Start a band. This has been discussed for ages now, but I think I might finally force people to put it into action. At first the idea was for me to go on bass, Jack and Jim on guitars and Dave on drums. But our lack of a vocalist led to calls (mainly from Jim) for me to do vocals, and the idea has been growing on me, despite the fact I dont think I can sing particularly well. But if peepz think I can sing well enough, then I might just do that, and Jim can do bass, as he's got t'funk. Maybe I'll do rhythm guitar as well or something.
  • Make a short film entitled Troll 4. If anyone reading this has never watched Troll 2, then they must. It's amazingly terrible. Again, this has been discussed for quite a while, so I have drafted a brief synopsis of a possible plot, and if we end up having the time and equipment then maybe we'll film it.
  • Go to a leisure centre, with a swimming pool and slide. I've done some research and there is one pretty close by, so maybe we'll go next weekend.
  • Work out a potential holiday in the summer. Center Parcs is looking like a good option, it's fun, cheap (if we go in September) and has a "subtropical swimming paradise"
  • Start playing basketball regularly. I've got into basketball in the past week for some reason (probably inspired by One Tree Hill), and we've played a couple of times, including a late night basketball drinking game. It's pretty fun, and I should probably get more exercise than I currently do...
That's about it really. The band is the main objective; there's a little music festival held in our hall in summer, so the general aim is to play at that I think. Could be fun, and if I can get my singing to a decent level then we could be pretty good as the other guys are all awesome at their instruments. We want to do a Lion King style cover of Killing In The Name Of.

1 comment:

  1. cool you're forming a band!! And you're gonna sing, you should definitely play an instrument as well tho!!! Takes the pressure off also makes you look well cool... and you don't have to worry about what to do with your hands while you are singing... also you look cool when you play bass/guitar!
    We're doing a ska cover of Paramore's Misery Business. It's going to be MASSIVE! the 13 yr old emos will love it, you won't be able to control your dancing feet... mainly because they are wearing the shoes of a 13 year old emo...

