Tuesday 17 February 2009

The Day I Lost A House and Gained an Epiphany

I'm not sure you can really "gain" an epiphany, but it worked better in the title, so screw grammatical accuracy. Not sure we technically "lost" the house either, since we never had it to begin with, but in my mind we did, and it sounds more dramatic, so screw technical accuracy too.

So today began fairly hopefully: we had decided last night to get this lovely (in my opinion) house in Cotham - Georgian, big rooms, massive windows, good price etc - so I handed out the application forms and told everyone to get them to me today to give in to the estate agent. At 11.30am Anna went in to hand in her form and said that the house was still available. At 1pm I had rung Zoe about 20 times to try and find out where she was and get her form, but no luck, she appeared to have gone completely AWOL. Decided this probably didnt matter too much so headed down, and at 3.30 me and Lela went in with ours and Adam's forms, all prepared to get the house of loveliness. Unfortunately, by the time we got there, some FCKING TWATBAGS [sic] had got there already and given in all their forms. Cue Tasha looking like a small child who's ice-cream has just been swiped from under their nose by a laughing prostitute.

Safe to say I was not a happy bunny. Cant help feeling like if I'd pressured everyone more last week, or even last night, we could have got it, but its pointless to think like that I guess. Anyway, after my lecture I ended up wandering back across the downs feeling like crap and realising that the stress of organising everything was going to continue for some time yet.

However, walking across the middle of a muddy field watching a little kid being chased by a dog can have a surprisingly calming effect, and so we turn to my epiphany; somewhat un-dramatic though it may be. The past few weeks I've realised that I have become increasingly stressed, and lie awake almost every night going over and over all the things I need to do - sort out houses, find my chequebook, get a job, do my reading, write an essay, get some food, print out train tickets, etc etc. And so, in light of this, my epiphany consisted of three realisations:
  1. I am water pikey. This means that for the first 14 years of my life I slept in a bed two foot wide, in a corridor, with a kitchen that couldnt really fit two people at the same time. Therefore, I dont really give a shit what kind of house I live in; obviously it would be nice to have a big room, but if I end up in a little one, with a tiny kitchen, then fuck it, I can live with that. If other people want a bit more than that *cough*Lela*cough* then they can fucking sort it out.
  2. I am in my first year of uni. Yes obviously it's important for me to do my essays, but if they are a bit shit it doesnt matter.
  3. I have actually succeeded, at least so far, in getting over my main emotional issue of the past two years (of being shit at relationships), and am really happy with Jim.
So really, it's not that bad.

1 comment:

  1. 2. Exactly! Does your first year actually contribute to your overall degree grade anyway?
