Wednesday 11 February 2009

The Day I Went To My Seminar

Today, in order to prove Jim wrong and win a bet at the same time, I went to my nine o'clock seminar for Approaches to the Study of Political Science (one of the longest and, I suspect, dullest unit names eva). In it, I learnt a lot about the exciting behaviouralist revolution that took place in the 1950s, and the post-behaviouralist movement that came along in the '60s and said "hey, wait a minute, behaviouralism is a bit shit and didnt take into account lots of important things." I also learnt that I really don't give a crap about behaviouralism. Perhaps I should.

Then I came back and watched some Green Wing; I'm still undecided about whether I like it or find it annoying. I am constantly disappointed by Brian-from-Spaced's character in it, who is funny for about 5 minutes then just becomes irritating. Oh look, he stutters and is socially retarded, ha ha. Then I made an AWESOME VEGGIE BURGER (TM) which featured not only a rather tasty sainsburys veggie burger but also fried onion, tomato, lettuce, cheese and mayo & relish. My life is well exciting.

After this we went a looked at a house near uni, which sounded like it was gonna be really good but turned out to be situated in a dodgy council-estate-looking-thing. I thought I was going to be shanked by a drug dealer just walking around looking for the damn place. Then ended up looking at another house off Park Street (recently featured in Skins zomg!!!!) but that was also a bit grotty. So the search continues! Cotham Park house tomorrow tho, which I rather like.

Other highlights of my day were:
  • finding the combination of the words "muffin" and "cookie" really hilarious. Eg. "mookie", "muffie" and "cookin"
  • listening to Avril Lavignes first album. Nostalgia ftw
Mmm yeah. Bye

1 comment:

  1. wooo!

    why were there so many shit movements in the past that had obvious flaws???? WHY??? why can't there be an all-encompassing movement that people have thought through carefully?

    One day we'll look back at capitalism and laugh! ahah how stupid we all were! Slaves to numbers! They'll study it in approaches to approaching trying to approach stuff that happened in the past.
