Monday 23 February 2009

The Day I Spent More Money Than Ever Before

Oh my. Well, dear readers, you'll be pleased to know that I finally have a flat sorted for next year (cue cheers, woops and pats on the back)! Unfortunately this meant that today I had to go and sign away £525.93 of my lovely lovely money... Which is rather a lot, and I dont want to think about how much I now have left. God bless overdrafts, that's all I'm saying. Anyway the flat sounds pretty cool, although it is still being built, which is a little bit worrying; but when finished it should have 5 double rooms with balconies, and 2 bathrooms, and due to the 10 month let it works out pretty cheap =) so yay!

Anyway this weekend I have been up to interesting and fun things, so I shall turn my attention to them. It began last Wednesday, when myself plus the Flat 3 crew (Anna, Jack, Ben & Katriona) went to Propaganda and met Sid from Skins, which was exciting, although I think my night was made by seeing a guy fall flat on his face on the dancefloor, then try to style it out by turning it into a press-up - skillz. Then the next morning I woke up with alcohol still coursing furiously through my veins, and stumbled down to town to get the coach to London. Eventually made it back to my boat, then that night went to see Colour Me Wednesday play a gig at a local pub. This was so much fun, me and Helen danced and sang like crazy fools with no shame. Then for the unexpected encore they played Russian Roulette and me and Helen got up to do gang vocals. Good times. It made me feel really nostalgic, both for the times before uni and for being in a band. I'm also so proud of them, they've really improved and sound awesome.

So that was Thursday, then on Friday I went to stay with Louiza in Oxford. This was also really cool, and based a lot around food, which is always good =) Friday night we went to G&D's Ice Cream parlour and had brownies, mmmmhmm. Was good to meet all the people she's been telling me about, even if they did call me a water pikey (but this is both true and to be expected). Then on Saturday we went for a wander round Oxford and saw an acapella jazz/scat kinda band on the street; got Dominos in the evening - yet more tasty food! Then on Sunday we went into town to get lunch and saw another cool street performer, this time a suited-up black guy doing micheal jackson dancing. I gave him 50p. Other highlights were going and taking photos on Will and Lyra's bench in the botanical gardens, then doing some mad photoshopping to place in our respective "daemons" (koala for Lou, red panda for me) in the picture; we spent quite a while deciding on names for these daemons, eventually concluded on Amenor (Albanian for "maternal") for Louiza and Aiden (Celtic for "little fiery one") for me. Sometimes we are just too cool.

So yes, generally good times! Got back last night absolutely exhausted, so much so that Jim thought I was stoned. But I had a red bull, got some energy and went to see Jack and Anna, where we played Game Cube, span round in circles and played Scattergories. Then today I got back a Politics essay and was frustrated to find out I havent improved at all since the beginning of the year, in fact I got worse. So might have to talk with my tutor and find out where I'm going wrong. Also attempted to write an essay plan whilst high on red bull and coffee and just ended up writing about 3 pages of bullet points essentially listing phrases that were meant to encapsulate "what Tasha thinks about ethics" which probably have no relevance to the question and will not help at all. Might go running to Jack in a bit and ask him to sift through my ramblings.

This has now turned into an essay itself, so I will reward you with a picture:


1 comment:

  1. Lolll, I laughed a LOT at "nom nom nom". I think revision has finally driven me over the edge...

