Monday 9 March 2009

The Day I Got Up At 4.30pm

I'm not really sure why I'm writing this blog, seeing as nothing in particular has happened recently. As you can see, today I didnt get up until the slightly ridiculous time of 4.30 in the afternoon; I'm not sure why, as I wasnt exactly tired, I just didnt have any energy to get up. Maybe I had an anaemia attack... Jim and Louiza have been pestering me to get tested for anaemia, as it is highly likely that I have it. When I visit Jim in easter his mum may be giving me a test, as she's a nurse, which could be a little odd - "Hi Mrs Jim's mum, nice to meet you, would you like to steal my blood now or later?"

Mmm so today I have done very little apart from watch some Gossip Girl with Lela, which is a terrible, yet terribly addictive programme about the "lives of Manhattan's elite". Then I read an article about Marxism, which was dull to read yet interesting as a whole I suppose. I often find that with my degree readings - I'm really interested by the topics as a whole, but the articles or books or whatever themselves are always a struggle to get through. Need it be like this?! I think I might start a revolution of writing in a format that is actually readable and exciting. How Marxist of me. It followed on quite well actually, as I watched The Motorcyle Diaries with Jim last night, which is one of my favourite films, and is about a roadtrip that Che Guevara took before he was famous. Basically follows their journey across South America, subtly showing the different things he saw on the way that influenced his later life. There's one scene in particular, when him and his friend are sat in Macchu Pichu, and his friend is talking about his plan to democratise the country and lead a revolution via voting, and Che says something like "dont be silly, as if you could start a revolution without gunshots". Mmm, great film.

Makes me think about all these idealistic aspirations I used to have, imagining that in the future I'd be able to change the world. I think a part of me still wants to do that, but perhaps now in a different way. When I was younger I only had things like that film to inspire me, but I've been reading so much more now, and learning more, and I know now that revolution just isnt really possible anymore, or worthwhile. It'd be nice to make the world a better place, but you have to be pragmatic. If every country in the world was communist, and we had ways to protect against corruption, then maybe it would work and we could have a wonderful egalitarian society. But thats just not possible; to make something happen you have to work within institutions and structures. Anyway, basically now I'm considering working for the UN or something when I finish university. I dont think I'd be satisfied with my life unless I knew that I'd at least attempted to make a difference in some way... even if it's eventually futile.

Mmmkay, bye.

banksy che

1 comment:

  1. It's also a good film because GGB is HOT. Fact.

    Woop for anaemia testing, you'll thank us when you're all iron-ful and energetic!

    *is v jealous of you being able to sleep til 4:30 and can't wait for exams to be overrr...*

