Saturday 11 April 2009

The Day Jim Went Home

So yesterday was the supposed day of my 19th boat party - but it decided to piss it down with rain, so instead I just went to the Treaty with Dan and Jim to watch Colour Me Wednesday play a gig. They're so much tighter as a band now than when I was with them. I'd like to think that isn't purely due to me leaving the band, but that could be the truth. I really need to start playing guitar/bass again, it's such a good skill to have, and fun of course. There's so many things I need to start doing really, like exercise and eating well and revision and just being more productive and purposeful. I spend 50% of my time in bed, which isn't conducive to me achieving anything with my life. Dan was saying yesterday that he feels like life is passing him by and he's not doing anything with it - I'm feeling rather similar, although perhaps not so much that I'm not doing anything, just that I should really change the things I'm doing. Next term I'm going to try and streamline my life. Feel free to place bets on how soon I fail.

Oh dear, too many things have happened since I last wrote a blog that I can't decide which are interesting enough for me to write about. I went to stay at Jim's for 5 days last week, which was rather lovely - we went hill walking and cycling and things (which is probably what has motivated me to do more exercise, I almost died walking up the hill); and his mum is very nice and cooked tasty vegetarian meals! Then it was my birthday on the Wednesday, and I went to Camden with Rachel, Louiza and Sara, which was pretty cool, havent been there for a while, and it's always good to spend time with them peepz. Then went for a meal with my mum and Tyson, before heading to see Paul Chowdry and the comedy place in Ruislip. He was reasonably good, although a lot of his material seemed to be based on improv-ing from the audience participation, and nobody wanted to participate much...

So yeah, that's pretty much it. Jim came down here yesterday and got to see me in full water pikey mode, moving my boat and emptying the toilet. FUN. Especially in the rain... But luckily I didnt bang into anything whilst moving the boat, which would have been embarrassing.

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